
Showing posts from 2014

Be it resolved...

Morning Star

Ordinary Happiness

Naughty OR Nice...This is What You're Getting for Xmas

The Developed World LOL

Letter from the Cat

In Your Stars Today

I Wish I Knew

Bad to the Bone

To boldly go....

It's a toll road no matter which fork you take

Reverse Bucket List and Bucket of Ice

Here's looking at you...

Tender is the NIght

What You Ought to be Doing is Probably What You ARE Doing....

Is that a log in your eye?

Peeping Tom Buddha

What's love got to do with it?

Stop me if you heard this one...

Let's Make a Deal

Shallow but Wide-Ranging

My Country right or wrong, left or right, pink or blue.

Jealous...Yeh Shen definition found under the front tire of our Volvo

ehhhhhh...then again ehhhhhhh

Thinking Small

UPDATE: How Long do You Keep a Friend Alive on FB?

I Dreamed I Killed the Earth Last Night

Leaving NYC...

Creativity and the Art of Seeing

Two of My Favorite Poets....

How long do you keep friends alive on FB?

Does Evil Exist?