Shallow but Wide-Ranging

Rattlesnake on the path....halfway up an extremely difficult climb...cut our losses and go down and up the OTHER difficult climb or walk around it and risk a potentially fatal bite...fatal because you're not supposed to move once you're bitten and we were a mile down....discovered new artists...illustrator W.H.D. Koerner and Abraham Anghick Ruben--an Inuit sculptor, I put some pics of his sculptures here... Just don't want to forget either of them.....Lalique glass--the modern stuff, sculpted by digital instruments just doesn't have the old intensity...Cherry Springs state park where you can see meteor showers like you're in the Stone Age--while we were gone SCOTUS decided that Hobby Lobby doesn't have to pay for birth control for their workers...I am begging the entire premise of why corporations have to pay for any heath insurance...why don't they just give their workers money to buy their madness and why Ann Coulter is the evil court jester of the right....I'm sorry she makes me fact, Fox news makes me of the benefits of not having a TV is that I don't have to watch Fox when we go away and DO it just seems....funny!....can anyone really take these guys seriously?  Apparently so....forget common core, let's just teach kids critical thinking and we'll be half-way to at least a smarter society...more on Hobby Lobby....I wondered for a long time:  why do political conservatives rage against birth control and abortions and then.....BAM! they want more cheap labor...interchangeable horses...this while trying to decide about the rattlesnake.


  1. You touched on so many things here, I don't know what to respond to. As usual a stimulating paragraph that makes me my head want to pop off. I guess I'll just say this...FOX news...HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! XO


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