Under Pressure

I don't acknowledge stress.  I think stress is just "life" spelled backwards and find a way to embrace it, please, and stop your whining.  So in that spirit, I am this year committing to growing an organic garden and keeping bees--this pledge from a woman who can barely (read: can't) keep the house vacuumed.  And whose yard has so many mature trees it's like a park.  Over breakfast this morning, Paul-ever-the-rational, says why not just a cold frame for lettuce and the bees. I look up cold frame on the net.  Something you have to build.  I am better at building things than growing things so that might work, if Paul is actually the person to tend the lettuce.  Everything grows lush and radiant under him, so we will have lush and radiant lettuce.  And some bees to keep our wisteria and wegelias lush and radiant.  I hope this isn't the year the sun decides to stop shining, because I have decided that this is the year.  


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