List of thanks...

So here goes, not necessarily in order of importance but in matters of gratitude there is no hierarchy, it's kind of a holistic thing, so things I am thankful for:

1.  Family--blood,yes, but especially those weirdos who made a conscious decision to be in my life.
2.  For still having my wits about me, within me, and sometimes making it to the page.
3.  For this strange growing menagerie of living beings in my house:  Trotsky and Einstein, I'm talking to you, boys. It's humbling and exhilarating how similar we all are.  Frankly:  mostly exhilarating.
4.   For having enough.
5.  For living in interesting times--not easy but it aint boring either.
6.  For people who make music, art, and literature.  You folks rock.
7.  For all the bad decisions I've made in my life because every one of them made me a better writer and a better person.
8.   For all the mean crumby people I've had to deal with:  you've made me kinder.
9.  For the people who seek me out for my talents and then pay me for it.
9..  For still having a long long way to go.  It makes me feel...immortal.

Happy thanksgiving.  Namaste.


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