It's for you

Since LGBT, immigrants, brown people, and women are out of official favor right now, can we agree that white Christian boys are the dominant force in the USA? I'm talking "cultural Christian" here, not religious Christians. Different species entirely. Cultural Christians rely heavily on Old Testament revenge and smiting fantasies. "Smite mine enemies, oh Lord!" How about serving up a plague of flies to those no-goodniks who are persecuting me?  Which is ironic considering that the Old Testament was written for and by Jews, definite bogeymen in the Cultural Christian world view. Talk about cultural appropriation! You got your own book.  Different plot and themes, entirely. Cultural Christians wrap themselves in the Confederate flag and worship at the altar of generals who inveighed them to join their war in defense of the Confederate 1% who owned slaves and then betrayed them and left them for dead on their destroyed land with the fantasy that they mattered to... anyone. But that's their business. Kind of like being a Detroit Lion fan. Practice masochism. I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home on a Sunday afternoon.  We are at an interesting juncture: the west coast is burning and the south is flooding, the east coast is bracing for a mutha of a wallop. If you believe God owns the Weather Channel--and if you ever heard a tornado or a hurricane or a forest fire, you'd swear it was the Almighty talking--what do you think he's trying to say and to whom?  LGBT, immigrants, brown people, and women have had their tongues cut out, so they're powerless. Forget them. He must be trying to send a message to the Cultural Christians who are in charge and who are making such a racket about their fantasy grievances that he has to roar to be heard over the din.  And this is what he's saying: "Cut it the f*k out! You're killing me!"


  1. Oh PERFECT PERFECT. The Cultural Christians- they're starting to write books about how discriminated against they are. How long will their hissy fit last??


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