Dead Karma--or why don't you shovel it yourself?

Since my new book Dead Karma is about to be published, I was thinking a lot about karma.  What goes around comes around.  Karma sticking to you so you have to get rid of it.  A FB friend, the most unknowable kind, yesterday posted about a neighbor who didn't shovel his walk for the last couple of snowstorms and he can't walk his dog.  I couldn't believe the number of people who weighed in on this:  call the police!  call code!  Do something bad to him!  The poster said that he assumed the person had a lot of money because he had a large house with a lot of sidelwalk--this is a very old neighborbood of a basically dilapidated town.  Don't know.  Can't you walk your dog somewhere else?  Can't you do a mitvah and shovel the guy out yourself?  I am extremely prejudiced in this because I live in a big house with a lot of sidewalk and I haven't been able to get out to shovel for the last 4 storms.  Where's the karma?


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