Bad Hair Day

1.       Why doesn’t anyone talk about Trump’s charisma?
2.       Just because charisma is in the plus column, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have it.
3.       Hitler had charisma too.
4.       Watch “Triumph of the Will” if you don’t believe me.
5.       Crowds cheering an obviously insane person, like he’s making sense.
6.       Admittedly, it’s easier to spot insanity when the person is speaking German.
7.       I met a woman last night who had a myriad of health problems you wouldn’t believe.
8.       Husband too.
9.       Both in wheelchairs.
10.   Their problems seemed somewhat avoidable.
11.   Like being told the woman was allergic to penicillin then was given it anyway.
12.   Which threw the woman into full blown MS.
13.   On so on. 
14.   Capricious decisions by medical people over the years that basically ruined their lives.
15.   The couple is African American.
16.   Think that makes a difference?
17.   I didn’t think it was possible to have charisma with weirdo hair.
18.   Don’t they have women in their lives harping on their appearance?
19.   Maybe bad hair is part of charisma.
20.   So much of life is appearances, isn't it?


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