Things that are on my mind...

1.       I lost all my phone numbers when my phone crashed and burned: “It’s the software. All gone,” says boy (yes, boy, I think he was skipping middle school) at Verizon store.
2.       I email certain people in my family and tell them I don’t have their phone numbers anymore.
3.       They say that’s a shame, but they don’t volunteer them to me.
4.       I have come to realize that what I see in the mirror is what I really look like.
5.       I’m considering hiring my own lighting professionals to follow me around. 
6.       I am weary of celebrities and has-been FBI commissars and ex-prosecutors and gangs of ex-Generals, ex-politicians writing letters to the ether about how disgusted/alarmed they are with the current administration bringing our country down.
7.       I would like CURRENT politicians and Generals and prosecutors coming out with that information and those opinions.  
8.       I think I drink too much.
9.       So, I stopped.
10.   People kept saying, “Well, you’re not an alcoholic!”
11.   Is that even a thing?
12.   I wish I was good at math.
13.   Or that I could understand what calculus is GOOD for.
14.   I think the human species consists mainly of brutes.
15.   If you think humans are made in God’s image, I think you’re right.
16.   But God isn’t who you think he is.
17.   He rewards bad behavior.
18.   Look around if you think otherwise.
19.   Why do some people get towers with their name in gold when a lot of the kids I teach are homeless?
20.   They don’t even have sox in the winter.
21.   Not that sox would fix everything.
22.   I’m not even talking about the poor kids trying to get into America.
23.   Talk about being homeless!
24.   Religion is the most reliable way for governments to keep people under control.
25.   If you manage to combine the two, you just hit the fascism jackpot.
26.   I’m taking up knitting.
27.   And sending little sox to the kids at the border.
28. That's something I don't need special lighting for.


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