The Definition of Is

2. Reagan lowered the bar, I think, so when Clinton, asked if was in a liaison with an intern, lied into the camera and said, "It depends on what the definition of the word 'is' is," we had officially moved into upside down world where there was no direct line between word and meaning.
3.. Now, presidential discourse is barely language, but symbols for pique, tantrums and revenge fantasies. And everybody's talking about that, of course, because 45's piques and tantrums and revenge fantasies impact our lives. But it's only because we're fed a steady diet of it and we gobble it up like greedy bastards.
4. We talk about politics like we're watching the Superbowl. We're cheering for a porn star only because she makes the other team squirm. Because, really, who cares who a man-not-your-mate sleeps with? Unless you're an insufferable busy-body.
5. My position (no pun intended) has always been that the only problem with L'Affaire Stormy is that 45 allowed himself to be blackmailed.
5. Blackmail-ability (I just made that up) is the biggest factor in not granting security clearances. If you would compromise yourself and your country so your secret won't get out, you are a huge risk for blackmail. I don't think that Kushner is the only person in this administration who should be denied access to Top Secret information. Am I wrong?
6. Now we hear that Fox and Friends are taking over the government. Which makes sense in the context of this upside down world we live in. After all, Fox and Friends are the only people that 45 listens to, every morning for hours. After which he regurgitates their opinions--now his own--out to the world. It makes sense he would move his real advisers closer to him so they can whisper their symbols of loyalty, love and conspiracy-theories directly into his ear.
7. Hey! Maybe this spells the end of Fox and Friends because 45 has a short attention span.
8. Wishful thinking.
9. How long, though, before F&F lean in nervously and ask him:
10. Is you is, or is you ain't my baby?
11. It depends on what the definition of "is" is.
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