The Developed World LOL
Quick, what's the first thing you think of when you think of "morality" as in, 'she has low morals.' See, I don't agree. Sex and morality don't actually have much to do with each other.....unless you're talking criminal activity and that's not necessarily immoral, it's criminal...that woman "Jackie" the showpiece of a Rolling Stone piece on rape in the UVA, she wasn't the target of a immoral act----it was criminal..felony type criminal...the type of felony that gets poor black boys locked up and any hopes of a regular life--whatever the hell that is, banking?--expunged at the age of 20...and I do hope that the criminals who gang raped her are meted justice--in kind would be nice, but we're a New Testament country not old so we'll be turning the other cheek no pun intended and they'll go on to whatever careers rich white boys in Virginia--home of "legitimate rape" and mandatory transvaginal probes--go on to with silent approbation from the folks who reared them....I was home alone last night and reading every link for rape in the RS article and then every link for racism because the Ferguson circus was coming to Internetown and around 2 AM they started to meld together in my mind into power, a concept we don't bandy about much. Why are we so loathe to admit that power even exists and that the people who know how to wield it are the ones who control everyone else's lives? Pope Frances knows how to wield power...boy does he about that upstart Cardinal who questioned the Pope's moral authority--banished to the confessionals of the Knights of Malta. Brilliant use of power. See? Power doesn't have to be evil. When I first moved to this area, I approached several self-proclaimed powerful women to tout me and my fledgling yoga business to their lists after giving them yoga sessions gratis...and was told that they couldn't...wouldn't dream of imposing on their lists like that. But honey, what's power if you don't use it? Do you actually have it? Ever keep a battery in a drawer for a couple of years? That's you and your unused power. So it's 2 AM and I'm reading and trolling the world of almost-asleep when I hear a crowd chanting and marching, drums beating and the distinctive cry of "No justice no peace"...we're a light's out at 10 kind of neighborhood so this angry organized noise is scary weird.. and I open the upper porch door and crouch down listening with my cats to the rally down in the park and wait for the police sirens which never come...good thing, better to not acknowledge the power of the mob--it feeds it...and look for other lights in the neighborhood to come on for some support...which they don't...and wonder, God! What did I do with the magnum? and I have to admit I'm afraid...if the crowd comes up the hill and climbs the balcony no one's going to ask to see my liberal credentials, voting record or remember that blog where I sided MOST EMPHATICALLY with Trayvon Martin, or that I call my mother EVERY WEEK or that I make my sister laugh... the only significant ID is my white skin--that's all they will see--and I know viscerally h o w i t f e e l s and there is no mention of the rally today in the local rag.
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