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Reverse Bucket List and Bucket of Ice

I heard three people reference their bucket list this week and the percentage of people talking about their bucket lists to me is astounding when you consider I see 3 people, 5 tops a week--and the only people I talk to are people who have a list of things they want to do before they die? And then what? They take a seat in the waiting room? Maybe people are talking about bucket lists because of that ice bucket thingey for ALS which I actually don't get. If you pour a bucket of ice water over your head you DON'T have to give a bill to the ALS fund, right? So, why so proud of being cheap? Just write 'em a check for a million bucks like I did. Well, I'm rounding up. And what am I missing....maybe I'm just peeved that no one found me significant enough to challenge me even though I can think of at least three people who have a hearty dislike for me--just the odds of being alive--and now pouring a bucket of ice water over my head is just one more thing I will not do before I die. I have a whole, shall we say bucket? of things I won't do before I die. A couple of years ago we met a couple who we REALLY liked--and what are the odds of that, liking both parts of a couple?--and we invited them for dinner with the couple who introduced us and they came, at which time the new people informed us--while handing us a gigantic basket of fruits and veggies from their garden which was one of their selling points, they gardened--that they didn't need any more friends. They didn't need anymore friends!! Isn't that breathtaking? It's one of the things you daresn't say aloud lest the gods play a joke on you and take all your friends out at one time in a plane crash or an ebola outbreak or something. But last I heard their friends were suffering no more than the usual rate of attrition. I wouldn't mind more friends, though, so that's not on my reverse bucket list. Never learning Spanish is. I tried, but you know what? I just don't care enough to go through the rigmarole of memorizing declensions and putting myself through the inner rage and ranting, why do these people need to assign sexes to inanimate objects and pretend not to know what you're talking about if you get the sex wrong? We don't have any sexes in English and we manage to get our point across. And it's not as if the sex is the same in all languages, it's completely arbitrary, so what's with that? Basta! Oh wait, that's Italian. See? Never riding a horse is definitely on my RB list. I like horses. I'm not sure they like having big ole humans riding around on them weighing them down with all their cowboy junk. I might be wrong, but what with cars and go-carts etc. why chance it? Who needs it? There are other ways to get around. I won't do it. And you can't make me.
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