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ehhhhhh...then again ehhhhhhh

Today's answer for what ails man and woman is our abhorrence of ambiguity. Spoiler alert: the answer changes daily, but hey, really I think I'm on to something here! I'm capable of raging against the dying light, while at the same time I can sit under a pine tree in my back yard and think: this would be a fine place to die. I'm capable of castigating my most headstrong relatives who don't talk to our other relatives and at the same time I'm not talking to some OTHERS of them either. I am ALL FOR social nets, while resenting those people who are falling into them when my income for the month is less than enough. My husband thinks we are all capable of the most unspeakable goodness as well as the most unspeakable horrors pretty much IN THE SAME DAY. He mentions a heinous crime and I really can't see the circumstance in which I would be driven to commit it, but maybe given the right soil I would. I haven't been tested. So what are we then--good or evil? Or both? And can I live with that not knowing?
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