Am I my brother's keeper?
A man of my acquaintance had a heart attack and went to the hospital where they patched him up with stents and drugs and sent him home. Because he is a ex-con he can't get work on top of the table, so to speak, and when he is sick he is without a net. He is, however, a skilled and very hard worker and conscientious in that he was in despair at how he is going to pay his 125K doctor bill. For some reason I can't discern--probably because he has no phone and no internet--he can't get any kind of assistance. When he went for a checkup yesterday, the cardiologist told him that without his medication he will die. His medication--the usual for heart patients I think--costs him way more than he can afford, especially because he hasn't been able to work for the past couple of weeks and without any kind of benefits he has no money. The cardiologist told him that "because of Obamacare" he couldn't give him any drug samples to tide him over. This is total jive of course. Pharmacy reps with their black bags of goodies prowl the halls of hospitals giving out perks to the docs, including pills that could save this man's life. And then the cardiologist sent my acquaintance home, basically to die. We have to start asking ourselves the hard questions.
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