Yen Shen Word Ladder
Our house is the nexus of the universe. Or at least the nexus of our neighborhood. The day after garbage day all the flotsam and jetsam of private lives finds it way to our gutter or our lawn our trees under our bushes. I police the area twice a week for other people's garbage as well as cigarette butts, beer cans--never one, always six, they must sit in our yard and drink and party and I can't blame them for that, it's a great yard, it's like a park and we sit out there and drink wine and eat cheese too--condom wrappers sometimes condoms themselves, yes, ewwww--some schlimazel gets a whatever there. I find those on the same day someone throws away a half-eaten McDonald meal. Some guy's idea of a big date. But there is the other garbage that wasn't left there on purpose but fell out of the garbage can and blown onto our property by the wind: cereal boxes, ice cream containers etc. And today, stuck under the wheel of our car was a Yen Shen Word Ladder. It was completed in childish block printing. The front of the page was the word ladder and listed definitions of words that seemed peculiar to my western sensibility especially for the second or third grader (I'm guessing here) who filled it out: lantern, palace, narrator, servant, tattered, jealous, scales, shore, weep, bedstraw, noble, messenger, villager. What little kid uses words like this? Villager? Servant? Bedstraw? I am in a little village in China and not worried about whether I am getting the latest Xbox for Xmas but whether someone is jealous of me. Jealous: wants what someone else has. The sentence the kid used to illustrate this was: yen shen step mother is jealous because yen shen and the fish are friend. A stick drawing underneath shows a stick guy (with one of those weird Chinese head buns) and a buck-toothed I kid you not stick woman with a bowl cut saying "I hope you not going to that (sic) fish". It's raining today and the piece of paper didn't disintegrate in the rain so I took it in and put it on my desk to dry and I will climb the ladder later.
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