At some point in the last five years, Christmas carols have ceased to affect me the way they used to...that is, make me maudlin, make me feel the mystery of the fierce dark of winter relieved by once upon a time candles now strings of LED lights. Maybe it's the LED lights with their cool bath that did it. Everything is either/or in LED. No shades of gray. No ambiguity. No room for romance in there because there is no there there. It's in or it's out. When I lived in Boston I used to resent the ethnic neighborhoods that didn't light their houses in December. It's not a religious thing, it's a darkness thing. For god's sake, would it kill you to put some lights up? Give me some romance! But who cares now? LED isn't technically a light in my opinion. It's like an operating room tool. So you can see, that's all. Not so you get lost in the stories and possibilities of the dimly lit dark.
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