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The Days are Getting Shorter

It might be the darkening days. Or maybe it’s the coolish air wafting in from the formerly frozen north reminding me that nothing is permanent. There’s a giant anvil hanging over our heads. It casts a big shadow. The sense of peace I was lucky enough to enjoy in my lifetime is over. Currently, there are 45 armed conflicts in the world, not just the two—Ukraine and Gaza—that   are receiving all the outrage. There are a lot more waiting in the wings too. The Pennsylvania national guard is training to deploy to the Horn of Africa. NATO forces are moving closer to the edge of Russia for the inevitable conflict .   Warships are practicing in the South China Sea and cruising around the Mediterranean just in case . What? We’re covering the world in military hardware, selling it to hungry national buyers and law enforcement agencies and selling it to each other in case we catch our neighbor pissing on our petunias. Did I mention the mass migrations—caused by climate crises a...

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